The Grand Inquisitor, was the name adopted by a Pabio'ano Jedi Knight who fell on the dark side and became the leader of the Inquisition., a group of Jedi hunters serving the Galactic Empire. The Grand Inquisitor had been a Jedi Temple Guard who was involved in the events surrounding the bombing of the Jedi Temple during the Clone Wars., arresting the innocent and then exonerated Padawan Ahsoka Tano, as well as the real culprit, Barriss Offee. After his fall on the dark side, the Grand Inquisitor was responsible for capturing and eliminating Jedi during the Great Jedi Purge.. He personally served Sith Lord Darth Vader, from whom he received orders, and was familiar with the Temple Jedi Archives.
The Grand Inquisitor took a keen interest in eliminating the rebellious crew of the Spirit, particularly the Jedi Kanan Jarrus and his Padawan, Ezra Bridger. He faced both Jedi on numerous occasions., including Stygeon Prime and Fort Anaxes. After The Grand Inquisitor and the Lothal Government, where the rebels operated, were unable to eliminate the rebels, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin arrived in Lothal to hunt down the rebels.. Together, captured Kanan Jarrus and tried to use him to learn more about a large-scale rebellion. Jarrus was taken to Mustafar, where the rebels organized a rescue mission in their orbit. During operation, The Grand Inquisitor fought Jarrus and Bridger in lightsaber combat, and Jarrus ended up beating him. Instead of informing Darth Vader of his continued failures, The Grand Inquisitor decided to throw himself into the void and die.
time after his death, Kanan Jarrus had a vision of the Grand Inquisitor as a Temple Guard at the Lothal Jedi Temple. in the vision, this Guard alerted Jarrus that Bridger could fall to the dark side, and the two engaged in lightsaber combat. When Jarrus refused to continue fighting, the Guard named Jarrus Jedi Knight just as The Grand Inquisitor had been in the past.. This vision was created by Grandmaster Yoda so that Jarrus would know that he was a true Jedi Knight..