The most expensive auctioned book in the world

The most expensive auctioned book in the world is "The Gospel of Henry the Lion", a book illuminated in the early thirteenth century. It was auctioned in 2019 by 24,2 million dollars.

This book was created at the request of Henrique the Lion, Duke of Saxony, and contains the Complete Bible in Latin and German. The book is illuminated with over 1.000 Miniatures and has a Gold and leather binding.

History of the book

The book was created at the request of Henrique the Lion, Duke of Saxony, and was delivered to him in 1175. It is believed that the book was created in the Helmstedt Monastery, that belonged to Henrique.

The book was in the family Welf for centuries, and in 1859 was acquired by the Prussian State. The book was preserved in the British Museum from Berlin to 1945, when he was transferred to Munich by the allies.

In 2007, The book was auctioned at Sotheby's by 11,92 million dollars. The current auction took place in 2019 in Christie's, and the book was purchased by an anonymous purchaser by 24,2 million dollars.

Characteristics of the book

The book is illuminated with over 1.000 Miniatures and has a Gold and leather binding. The book measures 52,5 x 37,5 cm and weighs 9,4 kg.

The Complete Bible It is written in Latin and German, and the book is decorated with Biblical and mythological scenes. There are also Portraits of historical figures and religious figures.

Book auctions:

Book auctions are events in which you can buy texts from different eras and themes. It is a very interesting activity for lovers of reading, as it allows you to find literary treasures at an affordable price.

In book auctions there is usually a wide variety of titles, From classics of universal literature to more modern books. You can also find works of art, Photographs, Manuscripts and other historical documents.

To participate in a book auction, The first thing you need is to register on the event website. Later, You must select the lot you want to purchase and place a bid. If the auction is won, The agreed price must be paid and the lot must be received at the address indicated.

Book auctions are a very interesting way to acquire texts at a good price. They are also a good choice for collectors, as they can find rare and valuable titles.

Online book auction pages

There are many pages on the internet where you can auction books. Some of the most popular are eBay, Amazon and AbeBooks. These pages offer users the ability to auction new or used books. All of them take into account the state of the book when setting the sale price.

eBay is one of the most popular pages for auctioning books. Its operation is simple: the seller auctions the book and the buyer pays the sale price plus the shipping cost. eBay offers the possibility to auction books of all kinds, from bestsellers to works of art. eBay also offers the ability to buy books directly, no need to auction them.

Amazon is another of the most popular pages to auction books. Just like eBay, Amazon offers the possibility of auctioning books of all kinds. Amazon also offers the ability to buy books directly, no need to auction them. Amazon is known for its wide variety of products, which makes it ideal for finding the book you're looking for.

AbeBooks is a website specialized in the sale of used books. AbeBooks offers users the ability to search books by title, Author or topic. AbeBooks also offers the ability to buy books directly, no need to auction them. AbeBooks is ideal for finding old or second-hand books.

In conclusion, There are many pages on the Internet where you can auction books. eBay, Amazon and AbeBooks are some of the most popular. All of them offer the possibility of auctioning books of all kinds. They also offer the possibility to buy books directly, no need to auction them. Each of these pages offers users a wide variety of products, which makes them ideal for finding the book you're looking for.

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