Black magic charms

Black magic is a Specific form of sorcery that is dedicated to obscure purposes and is generally regarded as Malignant. Although most people associate black magic with Dark and dangerous rituals, It is actually a Equally ancient and respectable form of magic than any other.

The books and grimoires of black magic are an invaluable source of Knowledge and power. Although they can be hard to find and expensive, worth it Invest in them If you are interested in this form of sorcery.

Some of the Main Black Magic Charms que hacen referencia al Necronomicon incluyen:

  • The Cthulhu Summoning Spell: este conjuro se utiliza para invocar al dios cthulhu.
  • The Mind Control Spell: este conjuro se utiliza para controlar la mente de otra persona.
  • The spell of the eyes of the night: este conjuro se utiliza para ver en la oscuridad.
  • The spell of the eyes of the night: este conjuro se utiliza para ver en la oscuridad.
  • The spell of protection against death: este conjuro se utiliza para protegerse de la muerte.
  • The incantation of invocation of the spirits: este conjuro se utiliza para invocar a los espíritus.
  • The transformation spell: este conjuro se utiliza para transformar a otra persona en un animal.
  • The Demon Summoning Spell: este conjuro se utiliza para invocar a los demonios.
  • the spell of death: este conjuro se utiliza para desea mal a otra persona.

These are just some of the spells that can be found in black magic books and grimoires.. If you are interested in this form of sorcery, I recommend that you start your search in the Necronomicon of Verbalus Mater. It is a select store of books and grimoires of sorcery and you will surely find what you are looking for.

You can reserve your limited edition copy by writing to [email protected]

Mythological and science fiction wizards

Wizard Merlin

Merlin He is one of the most famous magicians in history and literature.. Numerous magical powers are attributed to him, as the ability to transform people and objects, of controlling the weather and climate, of flying, to read the future and control animals.

Merlin was a royal character who lived in the 6th century AD. in what is now England. According to the tradition, he was the son of a witch and was raised by a family of witches. He learned the secrets of magic from his mother and his family, and became one of the most powerful wizards of his time.

Merlin was the advisor and counselor to King Arthur of Camelot. Helped the king defeat his enemies and build the famous Camelot Castle.

Merlin is also known for his love for Queen Guinevere.. According to the tradition, he was the one who taught Geneva the secrets of magic.

The Witch of Endor

The Witch of Endor He is a mythical figure of Jewish and Christian tradition.. She is depicted as a woman who possessed the power to invoke the dead and predict the future..

The Witch of Endor appears in the Bible in the book of Samuel. According to the tradition, the witch invoked the spirit of the prophet Samuel to give King Saul a prediction..

The Witch of Endor is also known for her role in the Halloween lore.. It is believed that the 31 October, Halloween Day, witches and spirits of the dead can return to Earth and that the Witch of Endor is one of them.

the queen isis

Isis She was one of the most important goddesses of the Egyptian religion.. Numerous magical powers are attributed to him, as the ability to cure diseases, of raising the dead and controlling the weather and climate.

Isis was also known for her love and protection of children.. She is believed to have taught Egyptian mothers the secrets of raising their children..

Isis was the wife of the god Osiris. According to the tradition, Osiris was killed by his brother Set and Isis resurrected him using her magical powers..

The Witcher of Oz

Oz is a fictional character created by the writer L. Frank Baum. Oz is a sorcerer who lives in the country of Oz, A magical kingdom inhabited by fairies, Witches and other magical beings.

Oz is known for his magical powers, such as the ability to fly, of controlling the weather and climate, and to do magic. He is also known for his magic hats, that allow you to perform all kinds of spells.

Oz is a very popular character in children's and young adult literature. He has starred in numerous films and television series., And he's one of pop culture's most recognizable personalities..

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