Wiccan Spells for Protection against Negative Energy

the spell of Wiccan Shield of Protection It is a powerful tool to ward off negative energy and maintain harmony in your life.. This magical practice has been used for centuries to ward off anything that could cause harm or discomfort.. The spell is easy to perform and does not require any special tools.. You only need a few simple materials and your determination to create a magic barrier around you.

Necessary materials

To perform a spell Wiccan Shield of Protection You will need the following materials:

  • A glass container to hold water.
  • A small glass of salt.
  • A white candle.
  • A starfish.
  • a sprig of rosemary.
  • a quartz crystal.
  • A magic wand made from a tree branch.


Paso 1: prepare the place. Find a quiet place, where you can be comfortable and free from distractions. You can light a candle to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

Paso 2: Prepare the materials. Place the glass container in the center of your workspace. Fill it with water and add a tablespoon of salt. Place the starfish and rosemary sprig inside the container. Then place the quartz and magic wand on the sides.

Paso 3: View your shield. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. View a Light barrier around you. This barrier can take any form: a circle, A pyramid, a star or whatever your imagination desires.

Paso 4: Summon your shield. Once you have visualized your shield, Say aloud, "Let this shield be a protection against all negative energy. May this shield guide and protect me.".

Paso 5: Light the candle. Take the white candle and light it. Let the candlelight illuminate your magic shield.

Paso 6: finish the spell. Say the following phrase to end the spell: "So be it.".

Other wicca spells for protection against negative energy

Besides of Wiccan Shield of Protection, here are nine other protection spells against negative energy.

Salt protection spell: This is a simple way to protect yourself from negative energy. First, fill a small container with salt and place it next to your bed. Later, take a few deep breaths and imagine how the salt is absorbing all the negative energy around you.

Protection spell with herbs: This magical practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield positive energy. Begin by placing a mixture of herbs in a cloth bag. This mixture may include rosemary, oregano, lavender, sage and any other herbs you choose. Later, when you go to bed, put the bag under your pillow. This will help you keep a positive energy.

Protection spell with a magic wand: This practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield around it. To perform this spell, you will need a magic wand made from a tree branch. with the wand, visualize a energy barrier around you. Later, imagine how this barrier protects you from all negative energy.

Protection spell with a starfish: This magical practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield around it. To perform this spell, you will need a starfish. Place the starfish in a container with water and salt. Later, take a few deep breaths and visualize how the starfish absorbs all the negative energy around you.

Protection spell with a candle: This magical practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield around it. To perform this spell, you will need a white candle. Light the candle, Close your eyes and visualize how the light from the candle surrounds you and protects you from all the negative energy.

Protection spell with a quartz crystal: This magical practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield around it. To perform this spell, you will need a quartz crystal. Place the quartz crystal in a visible place. Later, visualize how the crystal surrounds you and protects you from all negative energy.

Protection spell with a jade stone: This magical practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield around it. To perform this spell, you will need a jade stone. Place the jade stone in a visible place. Later, Visualize how the stone surrounds you and protects you from all the negative energy.

Protection spell with a protection candle: This magical practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield around it. To perform this spell, you will need a candle for protection. Light the candle and visualize how the light surrounds you and protects you from all the negative energy.

Protection spell with a pentacle: This magical practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield around it. To perform this spell, you will need a pentacle. Place the pentacle in a visible place. Later, visualize how the pentacle surrounds you and protects you from all negative energy.

Protection spell with a prayer: This magical practice is ideal for those who want to create a protective shield around it. To perform this spell, you will need to recite a prayer to ask for protection. A common prayer is: "May the divine light surround me and protect me from all things. negative energy”.

Wicca spells for protection against negative energy are a simple way to ward off negative energy and maintain harmony in your life.. These spells are easy to perform and do not require any special tools.. You only need a few simple materials and your determination to create a magic barrier around you.

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