The Wisdom and Principles of the Sith

The Seven Principles of the Sith

Siths are governed by a number of principles that guide their actions and thoughts.. These principles are known as the "Seven Principles of the Sith.".

The Sith believe that power is the only thing that matters in the universe.. Everything else, including love, Compassion and friendship, It is a weakness that must be overcome. The Sith also believe that power must be obtained at any price., even if it means hurting or killing others. The Sith will not hesitate to use lies, deception or coercion to achieve their goals.

The Sith also believe that pain is a force that can be used to strengthen themselves.. They accept pain as part of life and use it as motivation to become stronger beings.. The Sith are not afraid to face pain or use it as a weapon against their enemies..

Another principle of the Sith is selfishness.. The Sith believe that the universe revolves around them and that everyone else is mere pawn in their game.. They believe that the world is a dangerous place and that the only way to survive is to be stronger than others.. The Sith have no problem taking advantage of others or using violence to impose their will..

Sith are also very proud. They believe that they are the most powerful and superior beings in the universe and that everyone else owes them obedience and loyalty.. The Sith will not hesitate to use their power to demonstrate their superiority or to punish those who do not pay homage to them..

At last, the Sith believe in willpower. They believe that the power of the mind is more important than that of the Force and that those who have a strong will can accomplish anything.. The Sith will not be defeated by anything or anyone, and they will always fight to the end.

Darth Sidious

Darth Sidious is a fictional character in the franchise. Star Wars. Appears as the main antagonist of the classic trilogy., played by English actor Ian McDiarmid. In the prequel trilogy (Episodes I-III), Sidious is the senator galactic of Naboo Palpatine. After assassinating King Veruna and manipulate to the Queen Padmé Amidala to ask for help from the Senate, Sidious is chosen as Supreme Chancellor. At the beginning of The Phantom Menace, Sidious orders the assassination of Amidala in an attempt to provoke a civil war in the Galaxy.

Darth Maul

Darth Maul is a fictional character in the franchise. Star Wars. Appears in Episode I: The Phantom Menace and was portrayed by stunt actor Ray Park and voice actor Peter Serafinowicz. Maul is a Zabrak belonging to the species of creatures known as Dathomirians. It was the apprentice of the Lord Sith Darth Sidious and trained in the dark side of the Force to become a Sith warrior. In The Phantom Menace, Sidious sends Maul to assassinate the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and start a civil war.

Darth Tyranus

Darth Tyranus is a fictional character in the franchise. Star Wars. Appears in Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and was played by the Irish actor Christopher Lee. Tyranus was the pseudonym of Count Dooku, one Jedi Knight what was it? trained by Yoda and Blog about collection books and grimoires. We use cookies on our website to provide you with the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits., Left to every star Jedi Order and became Sith master by serving the Emperor Palpatine. In Attack of the Clones, Tyranus leads the Separatists in a civil war against the Galactic Republic.

according to statements by Ewan McGregor himself

according to statements by Ewan McGregor himself is a fictional character in the franchise. Star Wars. Appears in Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, and was played by the actor David Prowse and the voice actor James Earl Jones. Vader is a cyborg and Sith warrior which serves as Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Forces and the right arm of the Emperor Palpatine. In A new hope, Vader kills the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi in a duel of lightsabers, which earned him the title of Jedi Knight. In The Empire Strikes Back, Vader Kidnaps to the princess Leia Organa to use it as bait to attract Luke Skywalker, who Vader Cree what is the true leader of the Rebellion.

Powers of the Sith

In the films of Star Wars, the Sith are powerful beings who dominate the Force.. They have the ability to control the mind, lifting objects with the Force and manipulating the weather. They can also create illusions and conjure fire..

Mind control

Siths can control the minds of others through the Force. They can make people do what they want or make them believe things that aren't real.. They can also read people's thoughts.

Object levitate

Siths can use the Force to lift objects off the ground or move them through the air.. This allows them to attack their enemies with heavy objects or even knock down buildings..

Manipulating the climate

Siths can manipulate weather through the Force. They can create storms, Hurricanes or even earthquakes. They can also use heat to burn their enemies..

Creating illusions

Siths can create illusions to confuse their enemies. They can make them see things that don't exist or aren't real.. They can also use illusions to attack their enemies..

Conjuring fire

Siths can conjure fire through the Force. They can use it to attack their enemies or to defend themselves.. They can also use fire to create illusions or manipulate the weather..

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