The Jedi Holy Books and the Ranks of the Order

Los Jedi They followed a series of sacred books that compiled the knowledge of the Jedi Order. Among these books were the Book of Sith, to every star Jedi Code and the Diary of the Dead. The Jedi holy books contained a wealth of information about the history of the Order., its former masters and the most important events of the Galaxy.

The Book of Sith It was a compendium of the knowledge of the Order Sith. It collected everything that was known about the Order and its practices., as well as the teachings of his great masters. It was a very dangerous book., since he could seduce readers with his dark wisdom.

The Jedi Code was a compilation of the fundamental principles of the Order. He taught the Jedi to live in harmony with the Force and to serve the good of the Galaxy.. It also contained a number of rules that Jedi were required to follow., how not to have intimate relationships or not to use the Force to kill.

The Diary of the Dead it was a book that collected the last wills and teachings of the Jedi who had died.. The Jedi who were about to die wrote their last thoughts in this book, so that his knowledge would not be lost with his death.

These holy books were very valuable to the Jedi, as they contained the knowledge and wisdom of the Masters of the Order. Learning from them helped them live according to the principles of the Force and serve the good of the Galaxy..

Discover the Hidden knowledge of the Jedi Order through the Aionomica book available at Verbalus Mater.

Aionomica is a book that reveals the Best kept secrets of the Jedi Order. It describes how to use the Force of the universe to maintain balance in destiny..

Ranks of the Jedi Order

Los Ranks of the Jedi Order are established by the jurisdiction and the power that each individual possesses. Each range is characterized by a colour and a symbol that represents it. Below is a list of the ranks of the Jedi order and their meaning:

  • Jedi Initiated: is the first rank of the Jedi Order. It is characterized by the White and the Sphere symbol. It is awarded to those who have completed the Initial training and have demonstrated Jedi Skills. Jedi initiates are not yet Jedi Knights nor Jedi Masters, but they possess the potential to become one.
  • Jedi Knight: is the second rank of the Jedi Order. It is characterized by the Yellow and the Symbol of the sword. It is awarded to those who have completed the Jedi training and have demonstrated Jedi Skills. Jedi knights are Jedi warriors and Jedi Masters in potential.
  • Jedi Master: is the third and final rank of the Jedi Order. It is characterized by the Green and the Star Symbol. It is awarded to those who have completed the Jedi training and have demonstrated Jedi Skills. Jedi masters are Jedi warriors and Teaching teachers.

Los Jedi warriors are the Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters that form the vanguard of the order. They are the Advocates for peace and justice in the Jedi Universe. Jedi warriors are Teachers in the use of force and Martial arts. His work it is protect to the weak and oppressed of the galaxy.

Los Teaching teachers are Jedi Masters who are responsible for train to the Jedi Initiates and Jedi Knights. His work it is transmit the Jedi knowledge and teach the Martial Arts. Teaching teachers are Masters of Wisdom and knowledge. His objective it is elevate the level of conscience and comprehension of the Jedi.

Los Jedi Masters are the Leaders of the Order. They are the Jedi warriors and Teaching teachers more Experienced and Wise. Jedi masters are Guardians of peace and justice in the Jedi Universe. His work it is protect to the weak and oppressed of the galaxy.

Who ran the Jedi order

The Jedi Order was Founded more than 25.000 years by a Jedi Warrior Group and Teaching teachers that is United for fight against the mal in the galaxy. throughout the years, The order has been Directed by a Jedi Council composed of Jedi Masters.

The Jedi Council It's him Governing Body of the Jedi Order. It is composed of Twelve Jedi Masters chosen by their Pairs. The members of the Jedi council are Gather periodically for argue and Make decisions On the affairs of the Order. The Jedi council is the last appeal of the order and only convening in Extremely serious cases.

The Jedi Corps It's him army of the Jedi Order. It is composed of Jedi warriors and Teaching teachers trained in the use of force and martial arts. The Jedi Corps Responsible from protect to the weak and oppressed of the galaxy.

The Jedi Guard It's him Elite Corps of the Jedi Order. It is composed of Jedi warriors and Teaching teachers trained in the use of force and martial arts. The Jedi Guard Responsible from protect al Jedi Council and to the Jedi Masters.

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